How SSHA Registration Works

Stanley Stick utilizes a tiered registration system whereby current participants have access to the spots for the next season (Closed Registration), before any remaining spaces are made available to the general public (Open Registration). The SSHA is utilizing a third party online registration system, administered by Ramp Interactive to handle all of our needs and facilitate payments.  


How does Stanley Stick's Closed Registration work?

Players who are currently in the league when Closed Registration occurs will have the opportunity to register first for the following year.  Closed Registration for the next year will happen before the end of the current season, usually in February. Times and dates for the Closed Registration period will be posted on our website and Facebook page.  Current players will receive an email from the SSHA with instructions on how to access the Closed Registration system.  During Closed Registration the SSHA will also be accepting applications for the siblings of our current players. Siblings are given the next priority for any remaining spaces after all existing players are confirmed with payment.


How does Stanley Stick's Open Registration work?

New families with players looking to join Stanley Stick are invited to sign up during our Open Registration period which will occur after Closed Registration is over, typically in March for the following September's start. The Open Registration date will be advertised on our website, Facebook page, in some local media and recreational guides as well by word of mouth referrals from our existing members. Open Registration is for everyone, however availability of spaces is not guaranteed.  SSHA operates Open Registration with a principle of first come, first served.  Payment is required to maintain your spot, consult our Registration Policies section for more information.  As divisions fill to capacity during Open Registration additional applicants can register to be on the waitlist.


How does Stanley Stick's Waitlist work?

If all the spots in your division are full when you wish to register you will have the option of registering for the waitlist.  Payment in full is required to maintain your spot on the waitlist.  This payment is fully refundable if the SSHA is unable to provide you with a spot before September 30th. Please refer to our Refund and Cancellation Policies for more information. If cancellations do occur and spots become available, then registrants will be moved from the waitlist into these vacancies in the order that they registered. You will receive notification via your primary email contact information that you have been moved from the waitlist into a division. The waitlist is reset each year and does not carry over into the next. If you are on the waitlist and are not offered a spot in the league this year then you will need to register again at next years Open Registration.


If I go on the waiting list, am I committed to join or can I change my mind?

If you are on the waitlist you are free to cancel your registration at any time.  Please be aware of our Refund and Cancellation Policies before you make your decision.  If you are next in line on the waitlist and a spot becomes available you will automatically be moved off the waitlist and notified via your primary email contact information.


When can you confirm if my child will or will not be accepted from the waiting list?

This depends on where your child currently is on the waiting list. It could be as early as June, or unfortunately, it may not be until September. As the summer progresses, there are often cancellations as plans and commitments change. Usually, there are also a few cancellations each September due to scheduling conflicts. People will be moved automatically from the waitlist into these vacancies as they occur.

We understand your anxiety, we have all been there.  If you need to find out where you are on the waitlist, please contact

Please be aware that all SSHA executive members are volunteers often with other full time jobs.  We may not always be able to get back to you right away, but rest assured we will respond as soon as we are able.


Does Stanley Stick allow friend requests?

There are no guarantees that we can always accommodate such requests, but the SSHA does allow friend requests.  During registration every player may request to play on the same team as one other individual.  However, this request must be reciprocal between both players.  One sided 'friend requests' will not be considered.  The SSHA executive reserves the right to move players in order to adjust for the varied skills and abilities of all players in order to provide a balanced level of play among all teams in each division. 


I don't have a credit card or don't know how to pay with an e-transfer.

Please contact to make alternate arrangements in advance.


How can I check which registrations have been completed and payment received?

Log in to your Ramp Interactive account and choose the option 'Transaction History' from the left hand menu for confirmation.


When can I expect to receive communication regarding the start of the season?

Seasonal start times may vary slightly from year to year depending heavily upon ice availability at the various City of Guelph rinks, but the SSHA does aim to have everything finalized as close to the beginning of September as possible.  Players should expect to receive league communication via their primary email contact information regarding team assignments and ice schedules soon after that.  Please keep in mind that Stanley Stick is run by an all volunteer group, and we do our best to have the ice schedules and team lists done as early as we can.  However, many of those involved in our executive group do have other commitments over the summer months, not to mention, regular full time jobs so we can not guarantee an exact time.


Are there any requirements to become a coach or otherwise volunteer with Stanley Stick?

Coaches (18 years and older) who interact directly with the players in our league must adhere to the SSHA's Vulnerable Sector and Criminal Record Check Policy and Procedure.  Please contact or for more information. 

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